Interesting Information

when you watch various financial channels CNBC TV 18 or something like that we can see the real time fluctuations of different shares that is scrolling through the bottom of the channel.

That will contain mainly 3 things

1) The current value of the price.
2) The comparison with the open price.
3) A particular number like 30k or 45M or something like that

Do you know the meaning of that 'K' and 'M' ?

Actually K indicates the number of shares traded today in thousands. That is 4k means 4*1000= 4000 shares traded today.

M indicates the number of shares traded today in ten thousands. That is 3.4M means 3.4*10000=34000 shares today.

Regards Hari " लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु "

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