Sensex today slipped down to 18345.03, 186.25 points in red and Nifty to 5499.

I mentioned day before yesterday that since the fundamental sides are weak, this is not the time for investment. The perfect entry levels will be between 5340 to 5400.

The sector wise analysis is given below.

BSE Auto

Index Value: 9,152.70
Change:Down 69.27 (0.75%)

Change:Down 148.33 (1.18%)

BSE Consumer durables

Index value: 6, 223.99
Change:Up 13.75 (0.22%)


Index value: 5, 994.09
Change:Down 45.51 (0.75%)

Regards Hari " लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु "


One Response so far.

  1. finance says:

    thanks to share with us .it is good post .
    Financial Planning

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