I think the positive movement of Indian market will depend on the following things

1) Crude oil price
2) Positive news about monsoon
3) Positive news from political side.
4) Inflation
5) Fiscal deficit (The difference between total revenue and total expenditure of the government is termed as fiscal   deficit)
6) GDP(Gross domestic product refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living)

The fund flow from the FIIs will mainly depend on Interest rates, Inflation, negative issues coming from the political side etc. The important thing is that fund flow from FIIs to India will not depend on the global economic scenarios.

I think the moving range of market in the coming week will be between 5200 and 5600.

The immediate profit booking levels will be at 5530 and 5630.

If Nifty break the 5530 level, it can go up to 5630 level depending on the news from economic and Government side.

The following figure gives the buying level and immediate supports of some of the important stocks of various sectors. (Click on the image to get a clear view)

Regards Hari " लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु "

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