• The current price of SIB is about 25. 

  • The company split the shares thats why the price of the share came down. 

  • Now the face value is Rs.1/- Before splitting, the price go to a level of about Rs.480. 

  • We can expect good reports in the coming financial quarters. 

  • The bank has got ISO.9001 certificate in credit processing. 

  • The net interest margin is 3.11% (The net interest margin helps a company determine whether or not it has made wise investment decisions. A negative net interest margin indicates that a company has has a net negative return. A positive net interest margin indicates the opposite.). 

  • It is best for a Kerala bank. 

  • I expect the price will be in the range Rs.30 to 35 within 1 year. Buy SIB in the range 20 to 24. 

Regards Hari " लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु "

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    nice management and good quality work.

    ISO 9001 Certificate

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