This week was really a superb week for the Indian market.,

Today also the 30 shares Sensex closed 464 points up and 50 shares Nifty closed about 131 points in green.

Experts says that 5690 & 5750 level is very crucial for Nifty. So the investors should watch these levels before making investments.

I think the 5750 level is very difficult target to cross in this market scenario.

IT, banking, capital goods are the main sectors for today's rally.

Most of the stocks that I advised to buy crossed the immediate support level in the bullish trend.

Next week definitely we can expect a correction.

Wait for that correction, because now all the bluechips stocks are in a high range. For the short term investors it is not the correct time to buy.

The stocks for the next week will be posted on Sunday. 

Regards Hari "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु"

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